Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Movie day

Finally, yesterday i went for TRansformers,the movie i waited for a long time to watch..
The movie is simply awesome!Its rock!!damn,i hope to watch it for the second time man. But i wander, why i always "kap liu" when i watch this kinda cool movie,last time fast and furious also like this wor..

Cool stunts, new robots, new looks of Optimus Prime,awesome weapons, freaking hot chick and few touching screen makes the movie SUPERB!! haha

BEfore the movie start,we lepak kat coffee beam. well,let me intro the so called AS (alor star) lads.haha.here's my buddy with very cute post.Mr Lim Kia Loon.
Lawyer lau aka eric lau.sharing a lot with us with his #$&@*#$# prinsip.haha.i am jk eric,pls don get pissed.
another Eric.rarely lepak with us one.

horng yih.!another cute guy,not the face cute, but the way he talk is super cute!haha.

and thats me!
Frankly,i am not a big fans of transformers. But in Transformers 2, i fall with this guy.-skids
Very funny character. And is a nigga with golden teeth.haha LMAO
Eventually, this car has become my dream car.damn..
Chevrolet Beat.
Freaking huge beetle at Pavilion,KL
Lst but not least, the last pic i took at that night.

p/s :Sorry to kia loon for his car. Whose car has transformed to autobot, ran away to save the world!(was actually stolen). i miss ur car as well.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A day working with Dr vellayan

A very first time i am able to see a tiger that close..i can even touch em :)
A very nice white tiger indeed!

Who says tiger only eat meat??!!!LOLz

This is the reason why we are there, as u can see there're skin problems with the tiger.

Dr vellayan giving injection..

A handsome male lion.Its sort of cream color tho..

Aint he(the lion la) is cute?

Suddenly i become small
As u can see, the size comparison. The tigers and lions were freaking HUGE.

Sorry for noob pic as i am not in the mood to take some nice shit.i'm out.peace

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

happy father's day to my dad. Stay strong and healthy always.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Giant Asian Mantis

Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea).
This handsome bugger shed few days ago and become a mature male.(this fella can grow up to 9-8cm)
OOoooooo the dancing queen cam!!!lolz.thats just my name to this fella.coz the neck just looks like a queen to me!!anyways,this is the shed skin..
following is the freaking gengster stunt by MAT MANTIS!!

lil cutie pointing lil finger to u oOo!!aha

haha. i'ma gengster!!

special thanks to uncle RAFIQ aka rafiqos for IDing.
futher info :


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Herping trip at Cameroon Highland

Finally, we made up to Cameroon Highland herping trip ! We waited and planned for a long time and finally..this is the day..!!This is the place where we stay, appearance looks good,but actually it's SUCK! it is only a big room with divider and bath room is out site our room.damn.macam pergi NS je. First day, when i came back from herping at around 3am, i went for bathing. Guess wat?!!the heater turn off!Damn,i was like having my bath with ice water.superb cold.!

Here's it,first night herping. Nothing much we found as we only walk around the labyrinth. we found some frogs,gecko sp, Giant mantis, AFS(Asian Forest Scorpion), and a lot of spiders.

Overall, the first day is quite nice,everything turn out as planned..we slept at around 4 smthing after having supper and we woke up at around 7am at the next day morning..darn tired...!!

Second day morning,we visited tea garden and i took the chance grabbed tons of photo. After that,we went to Bkt Brinchang. somebody called it mossy jungle or watver is it, it is just an awesome jungle which full of a lot sp(species) of moss,plants etc.

Night time approached, time to herping again. This trip was into the fresh jungle! we actually needed to chopped down the trees to gain access. This trip means a lot for us. We got the chance to see how's the habitat for cat eyed gecko( A.felinus), web footed gecko( C.elok), some sp of frogs, a lot of insects especially stick insect and leaf insect. Nonetheless, the cat eyed gecko's habitat is almost similiar as wat i imagined and read. They live at around the place where there are water source.like stream ,water fall etc. they like to lepak at around the leaves ( leaf tat looks like bananas leaf) and drink the water that collected from the rainwater. But sorry, not many pic i am able to take tat time. if not,mesti cool kan can see the habitat for the fellow gecko!

Grasshopper sheding in process

after herping,we went to mamak. The food at mamak were terrible.! Curry, rice,eggs all cold!how to eat??!! That night superb cold but yet, we saw chick wearing as like going clubbing.DAMN! This is the last night we stay here,thus we enjoy some alcohol drinks and chilling there. Super cold night with some alcohol drink=awesome!

Leaf insect on my hand. And guys,do u notice the wound at my forehead. This " art" work,we have to thanks my brother -tansri foong for his good work.

this is it,after hitting the sign board. the sign board is even more injured than me!

haha.im joking anyway.

Day 3, time to leave this awesome place.On the way back, we chill at a tea shop named wat tea valley if i am not mistaken, having our breakfast with nice tea.

This pic i took for like 30-45 minutes to take it. when i was about to take, two bugger come standing around the fence,until i finish the breakfast,they are stil there! Until i give up to take the pic, they leave but at the same time while i was about to snap,come another bugger -__-!

Eventually,it is a indeed a very nice trip and we get the chance to learn a lot of herping tips,Iding few sp of stick insect, found few habitats and so on. and the most important is, we guys have a whale of time there! ;P

catch up with me soon.

p/s: for those ffkers,please envy us.hahaha