Saturday, July 25, 2009

JIn AgaiN!

BUt no matter how busy i am, i wont miss check out AYOJIN.COM!
Again this video,makes ME LMAO!!!!

Jin vs. … Jin?

Darn Busy Week..

Words...Words.. WORds....for my FYP, everyday woke up keep on reading journals,newsletters,books,some even from the eyes almost gone blind.alphabet just non stop appearing in my mind.DAMN!!so many tests,so many assignments so much reading..chil wei UTAR. i need a break!

And few days ago,new stock came.oh god, i wish 1 day have 50 i have enough time to sleep more.

ONe of it..

All of them are in dirty and small enclosure.

So i rehome them.Guess and see how many hours i used to do this.
DAMN!! home!!
THe Thai Black Tarantula (H. Minax)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sort of Gathering..

Our BOss...all away from Johor
Eh leehh,janganla malu..

After that, we went to The Curve lepak!
Just some snapshot

The family, The geng!

Our soccer star, BEnni SIew.
i'm out, peace!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Three pieces of wood

This is how the story goes. Yesterday night, i'm not really in the mood of doing assignment shit. When i was chatting with rafiqos, i suggested to find some woods for my animals enclosure decoration and he just said "jom now"! Aku semangat pun dah, without hesitation, i packed everything and heading to ampang.
In the process of searching some nice wood,the conversation start like this

me: eh,hang tau tak,kalau polis mai,dia pa boleh block kita..
rafiqos: haiya, cakap saja la kita ambik untuk sample for kajian.
rafiqos: tapi ambik sample pun,size dia dah besar..haha
Around 2am, after packing everything,i left ampang. The woods were on my bike, and i am aware of police might kacau..i was thinking,should i use the road at UTAR or MU, as the road beside UTAR there always got blocking. Afterall,i took the road beside MU den Jln Langkawi to my condo.

Wehn i was about to turn in Jln Langkawi. WTH,there's road block! SHIT! I pretend like innocent.
police:buat apa dengan kayu kayu ni?
me:untuk decoration (at first i was not intend to cheat)
police:pelajar kah? (i am with my beg)
me: yes.
police:kat mana?
me:UTAR dekat ni.
police: oh.kayu tu untuk buat kajian la
me:yeah yeah

after checking my license,
police: u ambik course apa?
me: aku ambik course bio-tech la bang.
police:okok..boleh pergi.
me:terima kasih bang!

HAHA.WTH!what rafiqos said,has turned out eventually!i just cant stop laughing after that!!lolz

Friday, July 17, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

A better day

What else can makes my life wonderful,what else can makes me happy everyday,what else can makes myself get motivated?? thats Nothing else beside HER!!she was here two days ago and we were chilling at around pavilion and mid valley.although it was a short period, but i am happy enough.


As usual,where ever i go,i will take a lot of photos,but too bad,this round i couldnt get some good shit.damn,when only i can get myself a DSLR??!!

Tuff, how 2 person finish this?look nice and taste superb!

Rojak?got green,got a bit blue,got red..wadissdiss wei...but quite nice if u take it with bread!PERFECT!
Well, i went to pavilion at the second day for Transformer AGAIN!

Eventho i watched for the second time,still i LMAO!freaking funny at some parts.
here i found some soundtrack by hoobastank and nickelback.but my favourite one. 21 guns by greenday!

Official Music Video of New Devide!
Linkin Park – “New Divide”


Friday, July 10, 2009

My Leo

Its been a while i didnt update my blog due to tonnes of assignments and tests.Freaking stress semester, assignment just non stop coming...WTH!!i wanna breath!!long time i didnt go for herping as well,i guess the cameroon trip would be my first and last herping trip for this semester.Well today i would like to intro my leo,Patty (patternless heat albino las vegas). My very first leopard gecko,he (maybe) is around 1plus month old.

Patty x subcrew?? Lolz

Monday, July 6, 2009


News stories during the past month have reinforced the point that trying to kill a reptile that is not an actual threat generally causes more harm than ignoring it. One of the stories had tragic consequences but not because of the reptile's actions.
A five-year-old boy was accidentally killed by a stray bullet that ricocheted from the surface of a lake in Oklahoma . A policeman across the lake was shooting at a snake in a tree—a harmless rat snake according to the police chief I spoke with. Whether the policeman and the boy would have fared better had the snake been left alone is obvious.
Two more stories about needless assaults on reptiles had far less serious outcomes. A man in the state of Washington attacked a large rattlesnake with a shovel and then proceeded to pick up the supposedly dead snake. Wrong move. The snake reflexively bit the man on the finger, sending him to the hospital. Then, last week in Massillon , Ohio , a man was arrested for shooting himself in the foot while trying to kill a turtle.
It's faintly possible that the man was hoping to make turtle soup and was simply trying to kill the main ingredient as swiftly as possible. If he did it just because he wanted to kill a turtle, he should take up a new hobby. Meanwhile, the two snake stories remind us that many people are still afflicted with an antisnake attitude that serves no one well.
The reasons for not killing or harassing a snake that does not pose an immediate danger to children or pets are many. First, any snake in America , including rattlesnakes, that can readily get away from a human will do so. No U.S. snake will chase a person, despite claims that someone's cousin knew someone to whom this happened.
The Washington rattlesnake incident reminds me of a talk I gave about snakes in which I used a live diamondback rattlesnake. I noted how they typically bite people only when they feel threatened and do not make unprovoked attacks. When I finished the talk, a man approached and shook hands with me left-handed. His scarred right hand was a gnarled set of immobile fingers. He said he agreed with me that most serious bites by U.S. snakes are caused by someone picking up or trying to kill the snake.
Holding up his right hand as an instructional prop, he told me how he and some friends had encountered a huge diamondback rattler in the sandhills of southern Georgia . As even rattlesnakes will do, the snake retreated immediately, going down a gopher tortoise burrow. A third of the snake's body was still sticking out of the burrow when the man picked up a large stick and whapped the snake. The stick broke, the man fell forward, and the rattlesnake, which had turned in the burrow to face outward, immediately struck the hand in self-defense.
Killing a snake is almost always completely unnecessary from a safety standpoint. If you see the snake, you only need move away to be safe. And if you give the snake enough room, most will move away from you. A legitimate snakebite is one in which a person unintentionally and unknowingly provokes a venomous snake and is bitten. The odds of being in a car wreck are thousands if not millions of times greater than the odds of receiving a lethal legitimate snakebite in any given year in the United States .
People persist in misunderstanding and maligning snakes, and an email attachment making the rounds does nothing to ameliorate that situation. The photo of a smiling man displaying a dead western diamondback rattlesnake is not a hoax. And the snake is indeed a large one. But if, as the caption claims, it were nine feet long, it would be two feet longer than the longest of its kind every recorded. Such scare tactics seem designed to encourage people to fear snakes rather than treat them with the respect and admiration they deserve.
If you encounter a snake, the safest thing you can possibly do is move in the opposite direction from it. Trying to kill it may result in severe damage, and not necessarily to the snake.

by Whit Gibbons

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